Adoption Page

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Here are some of the Internet pets I have adopted.

Name: Meowth
Age: 4
Height: 2
Weight: 31
Interests: Eating Playing Sleaping Pouncing

Name: Jigglypuff
Age: 4
Height: 1' 11
Weight: 3 lbs
Interests: Singing

Name: Psyduck
Age: 4
Height: 3
Weight: 20
Interests: Trying to get rid of it's headache

Name: Koffing
Age: 5
Height: 4
Weight: 20 lbs
Interests: Floating Passing Gas

Name: Bulbasaur
Age: 5
Height: 1' 11"
Weight: 30 lbs
Interests: Eating Resting in the grass

Name: Vapereon
Age: 4
Height: 2
Weight: 25 lbs
Interests: Any thing to do with water.

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Pokemon Doug.

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